> X-Rays Diffractometer (XRD Panalytical)

Model : Panalytical X-Pert PRO MRD


Role of the equipment

   Structure analysis of polycrystal and singlecrystal. The sample can be moved following Omega, Phi, Psi, X, Y and Z thanks to the 4 circles cradle.


Technical specifications

• CuKα X-Rays source, l = 1.542 Å
• Parallel and divergent beams
• In-plane measurement configuration of the goniometer
• Detector : gas proportionnal
• 4 circles cradle :
- 2θ = -10º to150º
- Ω = -90º to+90º
- Φ = 0º to360º
- Ψ = -90º to+90º
- X and Y : 100 mm displacement
- Z : 11 mm displacement



• Rocking Curve and 0.15º Parallel Plat Collimator modules
• JCPDS PDF2 (ICDD) Database


Examples of available processes and services

• Measurements of the quality of the epitaxial layers (Bagg-Brentano, Grazing incidence, phi scan, rocking curve, pole figure, reciprocal space map, in-plane diffraction)
• Reflectivity to find the density and the thickness of single or multiple thin layers




Contact : Christophe Chabanier