> Linear and nonlinear characterization of Nanophotonic devices

Manufacturer : INRS


Role of the equipment

   Waveguides characterizations.


Technical specifications

• Piezo micrometers to ease the coupling procedure.
• Electronic circuit to apply a bias voltage
• Lock-in amplifier to collect the photocurrent.
• 50x objectives to couple and collect the light from the waveguide
• Variable attenuators and a half-wave plate followed by a polariser to control the power and polarisation of the beam



• Spectra Physics oscillator (Mai Tai) that emits pulses of 100 fs duration at a repetition rate of 80MHz. The wavelength is tunable from 750 nm to 850 nm. The laser can be changed from mode-locked to CW operation for accurate single wavelength response.
• Wavelength tuneable (1480-1570 nm) CW laser that is coupled from fiber to free space,
• Optical parametric amplifier 100 fs 1550 nm pulse at 1 KHz.


Examples of available processes and services

• Two-photon absorption and waveguides losses measurements




Contact: Heide Ibrahim