The LMN is an integrated micro- and nanofabrication laboratory including a 250 m2 clean room and state of the art equipments (which represents an investment of more than 33 M$) composed by 3 complementary research and development units : - the lithography (electrons and photons) [ - the nanomaterials and nanodevices characterization
By its nature, the LMN is providing - a state-of-the-art research in the domains leading to the realization of nanodevices, which implies the synthesis, the etching and the characterization of new materials, the ion implantation and lithography technologies Accessing to the LMN is also crucial for researchers involved in the domains of synthsis and/or characterization of nanomaterials for applications in other sectors like tribologic coating , energy, environment, etc. The LMN is the only infrastructure in Canada that answers to such a broad range of needs in terms of nanostructures fabrication. In particular, the LMN provides to the scientific community an access to an e-beam lithography system that is unique in the university accross Canada. |